jeudi 7 juin 2007

hot tennis players

A while ago, my wife told me that tennis is the sport that has the hottest competitors. At least for the males. Maybe that explains why she liked watching the French open so much. And it's true that those Moya, Nadal, Federer, Haas, Grosjean, Blake, I mean, yeah, they're all pretty sexy.
With players such as Sharapova and Ivanovic, who're playing against each other at the French Open as I'm writing this, I think we can say that women in tennis aren't bad either.
If you're not convinced, check out this funny video:

Il y a un petit moment de cela, ma chere epouse m'a gentiment fait remarquer que les joueurs de tennis sont les sportifs les plus sexys. Le hommes. Ceci explique sans doute pourquoi elle adore regarder Roland Garros a la tele. C'est dur, mais bon, on ne peut nier le physique avantageux d'un Nadal, Moya, Federer, Grosjean, Blake, Haas, et j'en oublie.
Chez les femmes, apres Kournikova, la nouvelle generation a son mot a dire, avec des joueuses comme Sharapova et Ivanovic, qui viennent viennent de disputer la demi-finale.
Jetez donc un coup d'oeil a cette video plutot amusante:

8 commentaires:

Lazlo Cseh :B a dit…

xDDD [laughs uncontrollably] That was such a funny video, thanks for contributing.

Lazlo Cseh :B a dit…

But as a side note, although the girls look okay in tennis, I'm not sure I'd fall head over heels for the guys. :|

Random guy a dit…

What? And they're super rich too!

Lazlo Cseh :B a dit…

I don't really care about their money status, though if they're rich, hey why not. But >.> I dunno, those guys don't seem... appealing? So what if I'm picky? lol, s'all good.

Random guy a dit…

True, they aren't as spicy as the older generation, like McEnroe, or Nastase.

Lazlo Cseh :B a dit…

Eww, I'd rather go with Federer than with McEnroe or Nastase on second thought. But if I had to choose a guy from sports, it'd be Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite off the Brazilian soccer team.

Random guy a dit…

I see what you mean, although Nastase wasn't bad looking when he was young.

Gem a dit…

I have to say that Juan Carlos Ferrero is definitely hot... ;)